Current Open Positions
Project manager
Project LocationBaku
Minimum Years Experience10
Travel Involved
Job TypeFull time
Job Classification
EducationHigher education in engineering
Job description
- Manage construction projects in accordance with the company’s internal procedures and regulations, relevant legislation in force, and other legal or regulatory standards.
- Ensure the project is executed within the agreed timeline, allocated budget, and required quality.
- Plan, approve, and monitor the execution of the project scope (initial requirements, contracts, specifications, design documents, etc.).
- Plan construction operations, including preparing the project work schedule, monitoring progress, and overseeing control.
- Regularly prepare reports on the project status and inform all stakeholders.
- Lead the preparation of potential budgets, cost estimates, and manage construction costs throughout the entire lifecycle of the project.
- Identify stakeholders and organize management and monitoring tasks related to them.
- Coordinate the project, including organizing regular coordination and communication between internal teams, project teams, clients, end users, contractor companies, and other stakeholders.
- Manage project resources, including organizing the provision of workforce, materials, services, and equipment.
- Plan the financial flow of the project and oversee its analysis during the execution period.
- Ensure phased agreements with all stakeholders throughout the project.
- Ensure the project is executed in compliance with the company's HSE (Health, Safety, Environment) and Quality Management policies and procedures.
- Manage project procurement, including preparing the procurement strategy, planning, executing, and monitoring the procurement process.
- Oversee contract administration with clients and contractors.
- Identify, analyze, develop, implement, and monitor risk management plans for the project.
- Ensure the effective allocation of resources (labor, finances, materials, etc.) between projects.
- Organize project management documentation, including the preparation, approval, and archiving of documents such as charters, management plans, change forms, and other project-related documents.
- Perform other similar tasks as assigned by management.
Essential duties & responsibilities
- Ali təhsil :Mühəndislik ixtisası üzrə ali təhsil;
- İş təcrübəsi : Tikinti layihələrin idarəedilməsi sahəsində azı 10 il iş təcrübəsi;
- Dil bilikləri: Azərbaycan dili - səlis, İngilis – yaxşı, Rus – arzuolunandır;
- Kompüter bacarıqları: MS Office, Autocad;
- Tikinti normalarına və layihə idarəedilməsinə dair biliklər;
- PMP və ya digər oxşar sertifikatların olması arzuolunandır;
- Yüksək səviyyədə ünsiyyət və idarəetmə bacarığı.
Work environment
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