PMD Projects Obtains ISO 50001 Energy Management System Certification

PMD Projects, a leading construction company in Azerbaijan, has obtained the ISO 50001 Energy Management System certification. The ISO 50001 standard was accepted in our country in 2022 by the Azerbaijan Standardization Institute, which operates under the State Service for Antimonopoly and Consumer Market Control of the Ministry of Economy.

PMD Projects applied to the Azerbaijan Standardization Institute and successfully passed all stages and audits, obtaining this standard (AZS ISO 50001:2022) in addition to the existing standards (ISO 9001:2020; ISO 14001:2021; ISO 45001:2021).
During the award ceremony held on July 17, Ilham Bayramov, the director of the Azerbaijan Standardization Institute, presented the AZS ISO 50001:2022 certificate to Nariman Topchibashov, the director of PMD Projects LLC.

The implementation of the ISO 50001 standard is an international indicator of PMD Projects' more efficient use of energy resources, alongside the management of quality, health, safety, and environmental protection regulations in both office buildings and construction sites. This represents another achievement for PMD Projects in the direction of promoting a Green World and Sustainable Construction Development.

The adoption of this standard in Azerbaijan aims to increase the efficiency of energy use, shape requirements for energy management in line with advanced international practices, prevent inefficient use of energy, and expand the possibilities for the implementation of renewable energy sources.

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